Thursday, September 17, 2009

Unexpected bumps...

So today, I'm at work with some of the greatest people you could ever work with, looking forward to the fun we have and then Amy tells me the saddest story I think I've ever heard. A man becomes a father and a widower in a matter of days...The story is based in the Twin Cities area and it's tragic.

It makes me think, "How much, God, do you think we can handle?" And then I will remember a verse from a song I've sung, or a portion of a Bible verse that will instantly calm me. It won't completely take away the sorrow or the anguish I am feeling, but it calms me.

Unexpected bumps - those things that are put in our path when our feet are moving at a good pace and in a direction we're comfortable with. Reminders that we are not in control, that there is a God out there whose hands we're in if we'll just let Him hold us.

Unexpected bumps don't always have to be bad, but maybe I just notice them more when they are. I'm learning to look at them as ways to grow, to strengthen my faith and bring me closer to the Father who created all things.

I've already said a prayer or two for this new dad and his beautiful son, who had medical issues of his own already in his first days of life, and will continue to do so. I've also taken a moment to thank God for all I have and that right now my road is looking clear.

In a moment I'll pray for guidance and direction when I do hit an unexpected bump.

God will provide, of this I'm certain. The father and his son will be surrounded by their family and all of their friends. The entire St. Paul/Stillwater police force will be aunts and uncles to this little boy and will watch him grow. Does any of that replace his mother's love that he never got the chance to experience outside of the womb? No, but God will provide.

Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version)
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fair Time

It's Clay County Fair week and for years this was the "state fair" to me. It used to lay claim to the title of "World's Largest County Fair". Somehow that title has gone away, but it's still a great fair. It signifies so much. The start of school, the end of summer and beginning of fall, harvest and family. The 4-H kids work so hard all year long to have their exhibits ready for display and the ribbons reflect their efforts. It's a beautiful time.

Last night we went to the fair as Dallas was mucking out the sheep, cattle and swine barns with her FFA group. I've never seen so many kids working so hard and having such a great time doing it. They truly are a great group of kids. Dallas, not being a "farm kid" by no choice of her own, was telling us stories last night of the manure (dry) they were all flinging at each other as they cleaned stalls. All I could do was smile. Memories are being made and life long friendships are being formed. Mom is so proud.

Avoided the corndogs, Tom Thumb donuts and funnel cakes.....not sure I'll be able to do that on Friday for kids day!!

For those of you who are former 4-H'ers such as myself, here's something I'm sure you all remember:

I pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Hands to larger service and my Health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.