Now for those of you who know me, you know I sing. I've been singing for as long as I can remember...and I'm pretty sure before I could talk, I would hum. :)
I'll have to ask my mom if I ever sang myself to sleep....
I don't remember ever really learning how to sing. I mean, I took voice lessons in high school and I paid VERY close attention in elementary school music class and of course every Sunday I would listen to my parents sing in the choir and hear the congregation lift their voices, but I don't remember ever really being "taught".
And then one year, I don't remember when, but I remember having (as Oprah would say) an "Aha" moment....
My voice is His gift to me.
Given so that I may use it to praise Him and spread His message.
Now, let me also tell you, that for the most part, I've used this gift in just that manner. But there were times that, before I had that "aha" moment, I sang just for me.
I was prideful.....never conceited, but definitely prideful....
Years ago, I sang with a group out of the Des Moines Metro, called GodZ GuyZ. Talk about using your gift for Him.... We would travel to churches all around Iowa and spread His word and tell our stories. Some would call that witnessing, but to me, that sounded a bit "too Bible Belt", so I just shared my "story".
That time in my life was amazing and I'm grateful "the boys" asked me to join them.
It allowed me to grow.
I've done stints in Nashville, auditioned for "The Voice", performed for the "Colgate Country Showdown", sang at weddings and funerals, and have performed the National Anthem for various teams.
There is nothing quite as breath-taking as being on the ice in the Mark of the Quad Cities, with your face on the jumbo-tron in front of a full arena of riled up hockey fans numbering in the tens of thousands and having all eyes on you....
Waiting for you to sing the National Anthem...
A Cappella....
and THAT is when I felt closest to God...
and no, it wasn't because I was praying to not goof up :)
It was then, when the arena was in total darkness, and I felt alone - even in the midst of thousands, that I FELT Him.
Standing beside me....
Cheering me on....
Holding me up....
Singing a duet....
And I would sing with every ounce of my being.
I actually had one of the players (who we hung out with off the ice) tell me he would get "teary-eyed" when I was singing. It stirred something in his heart.
Wow.... Hockey players are tough guys....
But my newest favorite memory of singing our National Anthem came this past Saturday evening...
Clay County Relay for Life called me last minute to see if I was available to sing the Anthem at their opening ceremonies. I was thrilled, and actually talked about it in my last blog.
After being introduced, and seeing many familiar faces in the crowd, my eyes found another set of eyes sitting in the front row.
He was an older gentleman, bent over from age, or genetics, dressed a little haphazardly, but with a light in his eyes that struck me deep.
The Color Guard took their place and I took the microphone and began to sing....
and my mystery man in the front row sang with me...
word for word...
breath for breath...
And I smiled inside.....
Another duet....
There were some that apologized to me afterward for his singing so loudly.
I smiled at them and told them that yes, at first, it caught me off guard, but then it stirred something within me and I had to look away for fear the lump in my throat would become to big to sing around.
I was proud to have him sing with me.
I didn't know his name..... or his story.... but I will remember his voice with mine... singing a song that means so much to so many...
God is good.
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