It's been over a year since my last entry. As I re-read the words I wrote about the family in MN, I can't believe it's been over a year. I can still remember that day as if it was yesterday. I will have to see if I can find out any information on the family....but for now I will pray for them.
Time......Management...... wow. I can't even put my finger on how to do this anymore. I used to be GREAT at it. Things got done on time, everything had it's place, I had a schedule to keep and places to get kids to. Now, I run between two grocery stores that our family owns that are TWO HOURS from each other, still work at the dentist office and try (key word here) to keep my house relatively clean. I tell people that the only way I know where I'm going or where I'm at is by the shirt I'm wearing.....If it's scrubs, I'm at the denitst office.....if it's a Sioux Food Center shirt, I'm in grocery land that day. Soon, I'm afraid I'll need to have my name embroidered on my shirt so I can remember WHO I am. :o)
I remember the older generation telling me that time would fly the older I got. I used to laugh (as one who is naive would do), and think never in a millllllllion years - this school year is gonna last FOREVER! Guess the laugh is on me as I approach my 40th birthday and think to myself, "Didn't I just turn 30?" Where did those years go?'s where they went.... Monthly mortgage, kids birthdays, holiday gatherings, summer vacation, Clay County Fair, kids activities, work and school registration. Some events to look forward to, others just another thing that comes around each month, but events none-the-less. Each month flies by faster than the previous one and we all age.
Time Management.....I wonder how God looks at it? Is He laughing at our attempts? I have to imagine He has to be heartbroken at the same time at some of the things we waste our time trying to manage. The earthly realm is such a short time in the large scope of things, yet worry we do and manage we try.
So, my mortgage payment will get made on time (because it's automatically withdrawn - insert smile here) and birthdays will come and my house may not be as clean and organized as it used to be, but I will manage to spend what time I have enjoying my life journey and kids and grocery stores and spouse......and will try to leave more of the time managment thing to God. I'm pretty sure He's got it down pat and could do a MUCH better job than I ever could.
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." John 14:1